We achieve this through ensuring our community and key stakeholders are kept up to date by F2F dialogue, email, letter or via our Community Liaison Committee quarterly meetings and minutes which are displayed on local noticeboards.
The Waterston Site Community Liaison Committee (CLC) is key to our community engagement day to day. With a rich and diverse membership including elected community representatives, quarterly meetings provide a robust forum for two way communications. In addition to the quarterly meetings, when necessary we share updates with CLC to share with those that they represent.
Committee members, detailed below, welcome your queries and have meeting minutes available for discussion.
Blackbridge, Llanstadwell, Waterston residents Dragon Dyfed Powys Police Egnedol Llanstadwell Community Council Milford Town Council | Natural Resources Wales Neyland Town Council Pembrokeshire County Council Pollution Control Pembrokeshire County Councillors Valero Pembrokeshire Oil Terminal Wear Point Wind Ltd |
Contact details: CLC Chair : Karen Wood, External Relations and Social Performance Manager, Dragon – 01646 691730 Cllrs: Milford Haven Town Council Clerk: 01646 692505 Neyland Town Council Clerk: 01646 629885 Llanstadwell Community Council Clerk: 07980303996 |
Dragon has a long term commitment to Pembrokeshire’s young people.
With our commitment to skills development in Pembrokeshire, working closely with educational partners since 2005, we have invested over £4m to date.
Dragon Darwin Experience
Having close partnerships with Pembrokeshire College, Pembrokeshire Education Authority, numerous networks and stakeholders, the project engages with circa 4,000 learners a year. The aims of the project are to engage, enthuse, inspire, and raise STEM aspirations; ultimately supporting the youth of Pembrokeshire to reach their full potential, whilst improving their career opportunities. Free to all Pembrokeshire learners, they have access Outdoor experiential learning STEM fieldtrips, Follow-up classroom STEM workshops, Science Squads and Science Aglow events all with free transportation. Working across the voluntary/public and private sectors, allowing learners access to industry experts, the project ensures it meets customers’ needs and the curriculum, through its growth of networks. In collaboration with the local education authority/schools/college/teachers and learners, DDE ensures it continues to evolve – complementing the curriculum, assisting with improved inspections, and raising attainment levels (which has been evidenced). The Dragon Darwin Experience has become an inspirational STEM project, being recognised through various stakeholders and UK and Wales Awards.
Transition with Milford School
This sector leading and award winning programme, has an exciting development for 2023. Learners will progress through an 8-week challenge passport, including a Dragon STEM renewables element with the outcome of learners graduating to one of the school houses and achieving a Crest Award.
Pembrokeshire College Sports Academies
The College’s Sports Academies seek to encourage and nurture sporting talent amongst its student population and provide opportunities for learners to maintain their health and wellbeing through sporting activity showcasing the benefits of individual and team sport.
With sport and physical activity seen as one of the most positive influences on learner health and wellbeing, growing confidence and self-esteem, the Sports Academies provide learners with the opportunity to take part in sport at all levels. Managed through the College’s sports department, with support of external professionals, learners can take part in Rugby, Football and Swimming while the dedicated ladies academy covers Rugby, Football and Netball and uses both the facilities available at the College as well as at external venues.